Get involved!
Come and get involved!
Maybe you want to be part of a gospel campaign, or even join in on an outreach as a photographer, sound person, or help with organization and set-up ahead of time? There are many different ways to assist us. If YOU want to invest your gifts and talents in a practical way, you are very welcome here!
If you are interested, simply send us an email with some information about yourself, what you would like to do, and when you would have time. We would love to get in touch with you.

Become a partner!
Our ministry is completely funded through donations. We are dependent on God to provide us with all the necessary resources.
Through your monthly or one-time gift, you can help us carry out this work and make future projects possible. In this way you can also play a significant role in our work! Let us build the Kingdom of God together, hand in hand.
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Here you can find our donation page. Using the PayPal form, you can set up monthly donations. You can also arrange bank transfers.
Thank you so much for your support – you are part of God’s work in Africa!

Join us!
We can always use help for our projects and events, whether it be through an internship, a short-term outreach, or from a whole team. We love when people use their passion and their competence to help out.
Additionally, we are looking for long-term staff in various areas.
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There are innumerable opportunities to get involved! For example, practically helping on a village outreach, planning and executing crusades, in administration, being part of the technical team, social media, as a helping hand, praying for people, etc. If are are interested, simply let us know.
For more information about our current open job positions, click here.

Become a weapon bearer and pray for LJM
Weapon bearers are loyal companions and helpers who bravely and fearlessly go together into battle. We, Live in Jesus Ministries (LJM), are looking for such companions. People who support us and the ministry in prayer.
We, Simon and Carolin, are sensing a spiritual battle that is waging war around us and our ministry. What we really need is prayer – because “tremendous power is released through the passionate prayer of a believer and it is effective and accomplishes much!“(James 5:16b)
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Every day of the month at least one person prays for us and LJM.
Are you in?
Will you pray one hour for us and LJM once a month?
>>> Then >>>
just send a text to +49-808878797
OR an email to
with “I’m in” and your name.
We will then send you further information.
Jonathan said to his young weapon-bearer, »Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.«
»Do all that you have in mind,« his weapon-bearer said. »Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.«
1.Samuel 14: 6-7

Stay connected with us!
We regularly send out updates about current happenings and various matters here locally and in our ministry. Do you want to stay updated and be able to pray specifically for us?
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In contrast to our “armour-bearers” who are signed up for one specific day each month to intercede for us, you can also receive current prayer requests as they come up. We – Simon and Carolin – personally share what is going on and what God is doing. You can receive updates about LJM and can pray when you have the time and capacity.
If you would like to stay in touch and pray specifically for us, we would love to add you to our list. Currently we use a WhatsApp group for this, in which only we can send messages. If you are interested, simply send us a short message.
Of course you are also welcome to subscribe to our social media channels.
Signing up for newsletter
Once a month, we send out our newsletter, in which we report on our work, share what God
is doing and inform people on current prayer requests.